1. Summary

As of 31 December 2021

Total supply to date: 11.5 billion doses

   Domestic supply: 7.1 billion doses

   Implicit trade (exports or imports): 4.4 billion doses

2. Exports

Exports are defined as the number of doses delivered across borders from producing economies to economies where vaccines are administered.

This Tracker defines a “producing economy” as a country or territory where final vaccines are made or where “fill and finish” is completed. This definition does not take into account exports of vaccine substances in bulk form shipped to “fill and finish” sites located in other countries or territories.

Producing economyNumber of doses (million)Share of world exportsCumulative shareExports as share of total supply
European Union1,676.038.1%38.1%62.6%
United States of America571.813%87.0%51.2%
Korea, Republic of165.13.8%90.7%87.0%
Russian Federation92.52.1%95.2%36.5%
South Africa71.51.6%96.8%86.9%
Note: as of 31 December 2021

3. Imports

Imports are defined as the number of doses received from producing economies, mirroring the information provided in the exports section. This definition does not take into account imports of vaccine substances in bulk form to be used in “fill and finish” sites.

Income Group ImportsNumber of doses (million)Doses per 100 peoplePopulation (million)
Low income234.034.5678.4
Lower middle income1,482.149.52,994.7
Upper middle income1,748.559.72,930.4
High income935.675.41,241.6
Note: as of 31 December 2021

4. Total Supply

Total supply contains both exported and domestically delivered doses.

Producing economyNumber of doses (million)ShareCumulative Share
European Union2,677.023.3%66.8%
United States of America1,117.09.7%91.4%
Russian Federation253.52.2%93.6%
Korea, Republic of189.71.6%95.2%
South Africa82.30.7%97.9%
Note: as of 31 December 2021

5. Supply to Continents

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Europe
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • South America

Total doses received: 649.6 million

Arrangement typeNumber of doses (million)Share
Contracted supply via COVAX129.920%
Direct donations39.46.1%
Domestic supply11.11.7%
Donations via COVAX293.045.1%
Supply via AVAT71.511%
Supply via bilateral deals104.616.1%
Note: as of 31 December 2021
SourceTotal number of dosesContracted supply via COVAXDirect donationsDomestic supplyDonations via COVAXSupply via AVATSupply via bilateral deals
United States of America277,251,76043,908,3412,156,140226,529,8264,657,454
European Union106,636,60825,602,45714,044,63849,403,85317,585,659
South Africa82,347,21210,814,59271,510,40022,220.36
Note: as of 31 December 2021

6. Vaccination Status

A course is defined as a series of vaccine doses required to be fully vaccinated. For COVID-19 vaccines that require two shots, the number of courses is the number of vaccine doses divided by two. For COVID-19 vaccines that require only one shot, the number of courses is the number of vaccine doses.

Income groupNumber of doses supplied (million)Number of courses supplied per 100 peoplePercent with at least one dose administeredPercent fully vaccinatedPopulation (million)
Low income234.017.26.3%3.3%678.4
Lower middle income3,098.151.741.8%25.9%2,994.7
Upper middle income5,600.495.671.1%61.4%2,930.4
High income2,576.3103.873.4%67.2%1,241.6
Note: as of 31 December 2021

Sources: IMF

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