The total value of owner occupied housing commitments excluding alterations and additions fell 1.0% in trend terms and the seasonally adjusted series fell 1.4%.


The trend series for the value of total personal finance commitments fell 0.5% in November 2018 compared with October 2018. Fixed lending commitments fell 0.7%, while revolving credit commitments was flat.

The seasonally adjusted series for the value of total personal finance commitments fell 1.7%. Fixed lending commitments fell 2.5% and revolving credit commitments fell 0.1%.


The trend series for the value of total commercial finance commitments rose 0.5% in November 2018 compared with October 2018. Revolving credit commitments rose 1.0% and fixed lending commitments rose 0.4%.

The seasonally adjusted series for the value of total commercial finance commitments fell 0.2% in November 2018, following a fall of 2.8% in October 2018. Fixed lending commitments fell 7.3%, after a rise of 2.2% in the previous month. Revolving credit commitments rose 27.0%, after a fall of 18.1% in the previous month.

The value of commitments for the purchase of dwellings by individuals for rent or resale (trend) fell 1.1% in November 2018 and the seasonally adjusted series fell 3.3%.


The trend series for the value of total lease finance commitments fell 1.9% in November 2018 and the seasonally adjusted series fell 2.0%, after a rise of 2.0% in October 2018.

Australian Bureau Of Statistics

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